(November 13, 2019, 11:12 pm)
My house was broken. At random times, when any mysterious combination of appliances were on, I would lose power to my whole house.
After living with it for about a month, we decided to call a professional to look at our house’s electrical power.
Kent Kempin came in on a Thursday morning to investigate things. To trip the power, we turned on as many appliances as possible. After some waiting time, we were able to show Kent our issue.
From there, Kent went to work. He looked through our electrical panel and a number of our appliances before finding the issue in an unlikely source, the electrical feed of our dryer. He quickly fixed the issue, and we haven’t had a problem with our power since.
Thank you Kent and Fuse Electrical Solutions Ltd. for fixing our house and hanging out with me, my wife, and our kids for an hour until we could figure out how to trip the power on demand.