(February 7, 2022, 4:43 pm)
I have worked in rebar for 20 years now, A&H Steel, Harris Rebar, C&T Reinforcing, Inter-Fab and my home is now AGF Rebar. These shops are all pretty much the same. The cut, fab and ship rebar. There are many solid workers in all of these shops as well there are many cry babies that seem to only leave companies on bad terms and leave negative reviews when they are taken back. Work hard, show up on time and do your job, safely and productively and you will always have a job and a team that will respect you.
AGF Rebar in Calgary has seen a 100% turn around with the new members hired. We have a ultimate new focus on safety, attainment, quality and ensuring that we meet all of our current and future customers needs with 100% success. AGF Rebar is driven to create a pleasant work environment for our hardworking employees and making sure that they have a safe place to do there duties as well getting home safe and sound to there loved ones.
Try AGF Rebar for yourself and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed! :)