Sweet Seven Cannabis Co.
71 King St N, Waterloo, ON N2J 2X2, Canada
(519) 804-7733
Sweet Seven Cannabis Co. offers a sleek and modern store design that caters to seasoned and first-time users. Choose from an assortment of products including flowers, oils, edibles, and beverages that best suits your style or preference.
We believe that through cannabis consumption, you can enhance your mental state and well-being. Derived through customer feedback and in-depth research, we’ve come up with a variety of moods to help you decide which of our products are best for you. With our Seven mood stations, you’ll easily be able to identify which one of our cannabis dispensary products will provide you with the most captivating and enjoyable experience.
Sweet Seven Cannabis Co. is located in Cambridge and Waterloo. Don’t forget to become a Sweet Seven Plus member today for our exclusive deals, fast-lane check-outs, members-only events, and more.