Category: | School, |
Address: | 1269 Lee Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5W8, Canada |
Postal code: | R3T 5W8 |
Phone: | (204) 261-3551 |
Website: | |
Nice gym.
Phone Number 204-261-3551 is registered to Southeast College, located at 1301 Lee Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
(204) 261-3551 Southeast College Unclaimed This business has not yet been claimed by the owner or a representative. Claim this business ...
Southeast College, Company in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1301 Lee Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5W8 - Hours of Operation & Customer Reviews.
Located at 1269 Lee Blvd in Winnipeg, Southeast College is a company inside the schools - secondary & elementary - academic category of Canpages website. You can call 204-261-3551 to get in touch with Southeast College that is in your neighbourhood.
Do local business owners recommend Southeast College? Visit this page to learn about the business and what locals in Winnipeg have to say.
Get directions, reviews and information for Southeast College in Winnipeg, MB.
Southeast College was established as a private high school (Grades 10 to 12) in 1995-96 by The Southeast Tribal Council, incorporated as Southeast Resource Development Council Corporation (SERDC).
This responsibility to govern Southeast College is carried out through the development of policy, and by ensuring that policies are implemented. (204) 261-3551
Southeast College - Winnipeg - phone number, website & address - MB - Elementary & High Schools. Policy ManualMission StatementThe mission of Southeast Collegiate is to provide sound academic standards and other educational opportunities for Aboriginal high school students.
Southeast Collegiate 1301 Lee Blvd Winnipeg MB R3T 5W8 Tel: 204-261-3551 Fax: 204-269-7880 ... Southeast College to collect and disclose your student's personal ...