(July 19, 2019, 8:11 pm)
I've been seen by Dr. Luzi for over 18 years, starting with a workers comp case. Dr . Luzi has always shown a great deal of concern, and a very high level of care. The first time I was prepped for surgery I was so nervous. Dr. Luzi looked at me and said, "Do you know Oh Canada?" After attending 20+ years of Buffalo sporting events how could I not? The next thing I know Dr. Luzi starting off a somewhat in tune rendition of Oh Canada. There I was, in the middle of the OR singing a slightly more slurred version (thanks to the anesthesia), but holding my own. I was fighting to stay awake just to finnish our ode to Canada. The last thing I remember was Dr. Luzi saying, "But can you sing it in french?" I doubt he'll be trying out for American Idol, but he did an excellent job on my knee. Your experience may differ, but as far as a caring doctor/surgeon you can trust . . . he's got ya covered.