(June 30, 2020, 8:56 am)
FIRST REVIEW!! This low-cost housing project is rather regrettable part of local Spryfield history: it was poorly designed, and has not been kept up very well by the city over the years. Used to locally called Carson City, because the main street in the development shared both the name and the unruly behavior of some of the residents there... buses were often pelted with rocks, sad to say. That said, the GREAT majority of the folks who live there, are in my experience, Good People.... that said this should have been a mixed development with both normal, for-profit, privately-owned houses and city housing as well. It would have turned out much better that way, i think. THAT SAID, the MRHA does a valiant job of providing affordable, subsidized housing for those who might very well be homeless or living in slum-like inner-city conditions, which thanks to their efforts are a very small part of the HAlifax experience!!