(November 15, 2018, 12:40 am)
This is an awesome war museum. It biggin with the history of the first nation and the french. Until de clash of empires between the French & English. Leading to the 1800s war up to the first wold war, second world war, cold war, NATO & UN formation up to the Afghanistan wars. Their's also great swords, variations of guns/machin guns & ammunition on display. Also the official Mercedes of Adolf Hitler. With a variation of cannons of the 1800s wars up to the 1900s wars. With military airplanes, tanks, trucks & marin equipment. Theirs also models of the baots that was used during the world wars. With the awesome contributions that Canada has provided throught out all those great wars and its transformation of his identity as a country. Without Canada, WW1 & WW2, wood not have been won.