(November 5, 2020, 7:58 pm)
After working in the catering industry for some time, I have to say that my propane roaster is likely my favourite piece of equipment we use. I originally purchased it to add full roasted hogs to our menu as it is something our competitors don't offer in the 1000 Island Region, which helped us separate from the pack. After some time using my machine, I listened to Alan's advice and began using it as a steam-table and I also purchased the rotisserie basket set.
Now we regularly cook upwards to 30-40 chickens at a time which makes our larger corporate/wedding events easier to manage when serving poultry, and I use the steam-table setting at essentially all of my jobs. If you are looking for a reliable and easy to use machine I would highly suggest it, the "Scottish ingenuity" as Alan would say certainly shows in this machine. Great product, and great people to work with, 10/10.