(December 9, 2020, 8:31 pm)
Merlynn Erasmus has been my financial advisor for a while, and she provides the most professional and caring service to her clients, including me. I have actually moved my investments from elsewhere to her simply because I have not had the level of service provided at other places. I should have posted a review on her services before, but only realized there is a 1 star review of her business (BECAUSE OF PARKING? and something that does not involve her services!). If you are in search of a Financial Advisor who considers all aspects of your lifestyle, and future goals, she is the one you should choose. My portfolio has gone only one way, UP. No matter the amount of investment, she looks after the accounts. I know of others who also have extremely good experience with Merlynn. So contact her and find out for yourself. Keep up the great work Merlynn!