(April 16, 2017, 3:03 pm)
Javed Khan is their leader, and he does it with a very apparent class and a sense of humour.
He believes a strong Town is supported by strong volunteers. He goes the extra mile to try to see all sides of an issue, even if the sides are in a long, hard battle. He has been very responsive, on holidays even, to every email I have pestered him with.
He understands particularly that 2/3 of residents want a safer environment for their pets at the only off leash dog park in our town of 55,000 people, 6,000 dogs and 6,000 cats. Those residents in turn support a 6.5 BILLION dollar industry in Canada and our share of that industry is $10 million in Aurora based on our population. Pet food, pet accessories, training, grooming, walking, boarding,... pets are a big part of Aurora's economy, too, and Javed has taken up the torch to improve the well being of every pet in town. Check out their web site, patronize Chamber members' businesses.
Yes, I am a dog advocate in Aurora, and Javed has promise dto do his best to help out all dog owners by gently massaging the opinion of the Town fathers towards supporting his members' $10 million business.
Show Javed you appreciate his hard work on your behalf.