Category: | Doctor, Health, |
Address: | 3645 E McLeod Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226, USA |
Postal code: | 98226 |
Phone: | (360) 676-2220 |
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Genice L. Norheim MSW, LICSW is a female clinical social worker in Bellingham, WA. She is affiliated with Compass Health in Bellingham.
GENICE L NORHEIM, MSW; LICSW; CDP - NPI #1699735134 Clinical. Profile for GENICE L NORHEIM in BELLINGHAM, WA.. A social worker who holds a master?s or doctoral degree in social work from an accredited school of social work in addition to at least two years of post-master?s supervised experience in a clinical setting.
Genice L Norheim, MSW; LICSW; CDP NPI is 1699735134. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a female. The provider's business location address is: 3645 E MCLEOD RD BELLINGHAM, WA ZIP 98226-700 Phone: (360) 676-2220 Fax: (360) 676-7750
GENICE L NORHEIM MSW; LICSW; CDP has a specialty listed as Clinical Social Worker. The practice business address for this provider is in the city of BELLINGHAM, in the state of WA. This healthcare provider is listed as practicing at this street address: 3645 E MCLEOD RD . The providers telephone number is (360)-676-2220 . Read More...
1669449039 NPI number belongs to Sally J Harper. Sally J Harper is located at Bellingham WA with zip code 98226. Detailed information of Sally J Harper including practice location address, status, phone number contact and so on.
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A provider can have more than one taxonomy code. It is critical to register all applicable taxonomy codes with NPPES and to use the correct taxonomy code to represent the specific specialty when filing claims.
(360) 376-4222. 21.2 miles. Social Workers. Businesses in related categories to Social Workers ...