(March 13, 2022, 5:48 am)
I would like to express my lots of thank you's to the lady driver who was on the number 1 Sherrington Station who helped me in transferring to the bus number 2 Southgate Station, in which this bus number 2 driver who is completely the opposite that smirked and scoffed at me when I showed him the transfer ticket as I don't see any scanner?! And if there is and I'm fully unaware of my surroundings, he should've been a good help but nope! I smiled at him despite of that and said sorry that it's my first time. He looked at the ticket twice just to check the validity of the time when it was printed (9:53 pm) and he arrived late just to put it out here, he is supposed to arrive at around 10:09 but came at 10:15 in which I don't mind cause maybe there are several reasons why. Going back to the ticket that he stared at twice, he said "oh whatever" then crumples the ticket and threw it behind the machine or somewhere. And then he said something that I wasn't able to hear as I am looking for a seat already. This concerns me because if he's having a bad day, why take it to the passengers who just want to go home like me!? What a ridiculous experience tonight.