(August 7, 2022, 4:06 pm)
Courtney Phyffer: Simply put; phemonal person, brilliant hairdresser.
I booked with Courtney after seeing the great work she did on my fiance, and I could not have been happier the moment I stepped in the door. The space is welcoming and well taken care of, Courtney was ready for me within minutes and her instantly friendly demeanor only heightened my excitement. We chatted casually, she is very friendly and easy to talk too, and she opened with a question that I think is quite genius; "What do you like/dislike about your hair?"
She took my input, listened to my suggestions and explained how my hair texture, volume and length would affect my look. I learned a lot, I was very comfortable, and she's a wonderful human being! My hair looks awesome and I love it, a big change for me and I trust her to take care of me. Go to Courtney, but don't take all her bookings, I need them.