(March 4, 2018, 1:42 am)
Dr. Emily Bennett is very knowledgeable and personable. She is very welcoming, takes the time to listen to the presenting symptoms and patient concerns, asks relevant questions to deepen understanding and suggests a manageable treatment plan. She is consistently very focused and supportive during the visit. She works to complement treatment already being received by other medical professionals.
She recommends appropriate supplements to treat symptoms and provides options for patients to obtain products at reasonable prices. Within hours of a visit, a treatment plan along with helpful handouts and/or worksheets are received digitally. Follow up is amazing! While western medicine has its place in treating our health, through my visits with Dr. Bennett I have learned that the role of a naturopath can fill many of the gaps left by traditional medicine. Dr. Bennett's input and recommendations have made a big difference in my health and wellbeing; she now plays a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and in being able to live life to its fullest.