John The Plumber
25 Mabelle Ave #1402, Etobicoke, ON M9A 4Y1, Canada
(647) 812-6108
For every Etobicoke plumbing emergency, there's a John The Plumber solution. We've been around the block and we know what we’re doing. You've been seeing our bright orange vans driving from job to job since 2006. Our team of licensed Etobicoke plumbers is available when you need them for any emergency, upgrade, and everything else plumbing-related. When you need the help of an experienced and trustworthy plumber, there's only one guy to call: John The Plumber. No job is too small, and there's no job we can't handle.
Etobicoke knows us! We do a lot of work in the neighborhood. Heck, ask your friends and family! We've probably repaired, replaced, maintained, or installed some of their pipes, and I'd bet they're still covered by our super-long warranty. We know how important your home is to you, it's probably your biggest asset! We take your home serious and we want to do you right. All of our work is done to code and safety standards. Do you want any ol' Joe-blow off Kijiji coming into your home? Can you really trust someone you don't know? It's just not worth the risk, so call John The Plumber. JTP isn't one of those 'discount' guys that can come and fix anything for a half buck then leave you with cut corners and shabby work. John The Plumber takes pride in his work. We're a team of fully licensed and respected plumbers. We know how much you care about your home, and we'll care for it the same way.
At John The Plumber, we believe in 100% transparency. Some guys don't feel shame in telling you one price then billing you another. That's not how we roll. We'll tell you exactly what we have to do, how we’re going to get it done, and how long it's likely going to take us. We'll walk you through the bill so there won't be any surprises when you get it. John The Plumber isn't in the business of ripping people off. We do every reasonable thing we can to make sure you call us next time you're in a plumbing emergency or need some work done. We want to be there when you upgrade to PVC, or upgrade to a tankless water heater. We're the go-to plumbers in Etobicoke, and we want to keep it that way.
It's John The Plumber's commitment to be the best plumbers in Etobicoke. With John The Plumber, we'll turn your plumbing crisis into an easy experience, and save you the headache and stress. Our quality workmanship #1, as well as our commitment to world-class customer service. We truly do care about our customers, and that's why we continue to get the calls. Whatever your plumbing issue is, you can count on John The Plumber to get your pipes functioning and your water moving. Don't trust any ol' John to be your plumber. Trust John THE Plumber for all your residential and commercial plumbing needs. We'll be there when you need us, and we'll back it up after. Call us today.