(June 19, 2019, 10:57 pm)
Jaime Power is not just my financial advisor, she is a force for positive life transformation. In the fall of 2015 I was in crisis. I had just undertaken a high risk expansion of my business and within 3 months my optimism for a bright and prosperous future was slipping through my fingers like a fist full of sand. I had lost a business partner and with them my business strategy no longer made sense to me. On top of that, I had no provisions set aside to cover the downside and no idea of how to prioritize my bills, never mind start saving money. I had an ineffectively managed TFSA with my financial institution that wasn't working for me and a handful of chequeing accounts that weren't geared towards my goals. As the sole proprietor of a small business, my main concerns were financial literacy, saving for retirement and managing my taxes in a healthy way. Through education Jaime gave me the road map I needed to realize my dreams. During our meetings she helped me to understand my own goals and revamp them when needed. She's connected me with networks of amazing business owners, professionals and friends that have made my life not only more financially secure but happier and richer with support and friendship. Most of all Jaime has given me the gift of hope and faith in myself to make the best decisions for my financial future, which is a service that is truly priceless.